
Dionna Brown, A Voice for Her Community

May 26, 2023

To say that Dionna is in high demand is an understatement. Called a rising environmental activist her schools’s newsletter Dionna more than warrants this title. 

From lobbying on Capitol Hill with the Climate Action Campaign during National Public Health Advocacy Week where she spoke to Congressional members from Michigan to being a panelist for Green 2.0 and the Partnership for Southern Equity's Community Leaders of Color on Supporting Environmental Justice Organizations webinar Dionna continues to be an advocate for her community. 

This includes speaking on behalf of Detroit's Eastside as they have the highest polluted zip code and within that zip code, the most Black residents, including her family. She also testified in front of the EPA earlier in May for the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for Power Plants public hearing. You can listen to her remarks here at the 4:57:31 mark.  She was asked to submit an official comment due to the data she presented from the American Lung Association's new State of the Air Report 2023.

There’s more to come from Dionna as she will be a panelist for The Movement Street and The FBC Initiative's Flint to HBCU Forum: Unwrapped on Sunday, May 21 in Flint, Michigan.

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