
samar and mirrored fatality’s exploration of activism and art

May 26, 2023

samar is a member of a duo mirrored fatality. Dive in and learn more by visiting their website

Quote from samar:

mirrored fatality remembers wholeness from dismembered flesh and mutates as cross pollinating perennial terratoids. mirrored fatality intertwines glitch rage webs with corroded resonance and regenerates forsaken spores across their current biome: ECOCIDE 3URTH.

mirrored fatality is an underground interdependent Kapampangan and South Asian xenobinary  experimental and healing noise queer punk farmer duo sharing their rituals + altars. mirrored fatality creates their “cocoon webs'' combining performance art, music, spoken word, film, photography, painting, drawing, upcycled garments, anti-imperialist education, and healing justice practice spaces to mobilize a warrior community responding to transnational calls-to-action for mutual aid, land sovereignty, and prison abolition.

they spoke about their short film, EARTHBOD(S)_BIOME(TRICS)** on a panel for the London Short Film Festival held earlier this year. You can listen to them share how the film came about at the 4:57 mark and watch the film here (please read the warning below before watching).

**warning: this video contains strobe lights, flickering, flashing, glitching, and blinking effects that can trigger seizures for people with Photosensitive Epilepsy.

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