Core Program

Community-driven vision, power, and solutions for climate resilience

National Association of Climate Resilience Planners

Launched in 2017, after the development of the Community-Driven Climate Resilience Planning (CRCRP) Framework, the National Association of Climate Resilience Planners (NACRP) is a national network of community-driven planning facilitators, grassroots organizers, and multi-sector partners that fosters effective community-driven racial and climate justice solutions through training, peer learning, referrals, and capacity-building. 

The CDCRP Framework and NACRP are part of an emerging community of practice and ecosystem of aligned practitioners working together to shift, subvert, and ultimately replace the top-down planning paradigm. For more information about the NACRP network, including membership benefits and how to join the network, visit

Project Details


VPS is a quarterly four-part virtual series designed to build capacity for community-driven planning among facilitators, organizers, leaders, and educators who are accountable to Black, Brown, Indigenous, and Asian/Pacific Islander (API) communities. VPS offerings are part of a larger effort to cultivate a community of practice and facilitator referral network within the field of community-driven planning. 

This series is sponsored by People’s Climate Innovation Center and the National Association of Climate Resilience Planners (NACRP), in partnership with Facilitating Power. Our content and approach is derived from the Community-Driven Climate Resilience Planning Framework, with input from NACRP members, facilitators, advisors, and core partners.

Registration for the 2023-2024 VPS series is now open! Register here.

The next VPS session of the 2023-2024 series is scheduled for August 22! You may register for the session individually or register for the entire series. Each session is $100. Learn more about the offerings and register to attend.

Facilitative Leadership Training

In 2022, informed by the VPS series curriculum, the NACRP launched the Facilitator Certification Program. The certification program is intended to support those playing a facilitative leadership role in community planning (of any type and scale) and working in partnership with organizations rooted in communities disproportionately burdened by climate and racial injustice. 

As part of successful completion of this nine-month program, Facilitators will be eligible to become part of NACRP’s national Facilitator Referral Network and be qualified for referrals to community-led facilitation and planning projects. The purpose of the referral network is to ensure that localities are able to connect with, and contract, certified facilitators accountable to frontline communities in their region.

Applications are now closed for the 2024 facilitator certification cohort. Keep an eye out for the 2025 cohort application this August! Sign up for our newsletter to receive future updates.

Community-Driven Planning Fund

In order to continue to build the field of practice of community-driven planning and evolve tools, models, and approaches, we need more on-the-ground examples and stories from across the country. We also recognize the immense personal energy it takes for individuals organizing and facilitating community-driven processes and the need for support for their sustainability in this work.

To help meet these needs, the NACRP launched its Community-Driven Planning Fund in spring 2024, which will support community-driven planning processes that are governed by community-driven planners and facilitators. Each quarter, NACRP members will be able to submit proposals for funding for up to $30,000 in order to resource communities and/or facilitators accountable to frontline communities to advance a community-driven planning process.

People’s Climate Innovation Center coordinates and administers the Fund and NACRP members, functioning as Fund Advisors, govern the Fund grantee selection process. Learn more about the Fund, eligibility, and how to apply.

Fall Cycle Application Deadline: September 6, 2024