Partnership & Collaboration

Sounding the Call

Climate Equity Convening

In June 2021, People's Climate Innovation Center, Facilitating Power, and Kapwa Consulting co-convened an Equity Partners Convening (Sounding the Call). This is an aligned collaboration of practitioners within the national movement ecosystem with various roles to build capacity and relationships between government and community to take action on climate equity and climate justice. A way to demonstrate evolving our practice to support long-term implementation of solutions. All this grounded in our vision for a more proactive network of relationships and field of capacity-building that can better support increased access to resources among frontline communities, technical knowledge, and shifting and transforming power for climate equity and justice.

As a first step, we are currently engaging existing partner interest/capacity to continue this work together given the opportunity and to honor our own commitment to Sounding the Call. Our  We recognize that we are missing critical leaders and voices like you all and more grassroots presence that we want to thoughtfully make space for at this moment.

Project Details

  • In June 2021, climate equity partners convened the initial gathering to "Sound the Call" which brought together 25 leaders from across the country in a virtual 3 day gathering.
  • Through July-September 2021, the coordination team connected with partners, clarified convening action items, and identified additional next steps for coordination team to carry out across condensed efforts will serve as a tool for the partners to reference when engaging with climate equity work
  • In May-June 2022, climate equity partners convened again to focus on an aligned approach "to resource grassroots approaches to equitable emissions reduction in the built environment in ways that advance the priorities of frontline communities and leverage public investments, private philanthropy, and private sector resources"


Climate Innovation Program Team